Once upon a time, in a land far far away (Cambridge, Massachusetts), a girl met a boy in a bar. The fates were not aligned: He had sworn he would never date a lawyer, anyone affiliated with Harvard, or anyone under 30. She was out celebrating her 27th birthday with her Harvard roommates before hunkering down to study for the bar, while working full-time.
The night of their first date, Boston was shut down by a blizzard. The night of their second date, twenty-four hours of "wintry mix" had turned the poorly drained streets around Harvard Square into ankle-deep lakes of icy slush. For the first two months, she spent every weekend and most nights with her BarBri books. Then she moved to DC for work. But they persevered, through tough corporate jobs and multiple relocations.
The night of their first date, Boston was shut down by a blizzard. The night of their second date, twenty-four hours of "wintry mix" had turned the poorly drained streets around Harvard Square into ankle-deep lakes of icy slush. For the first two months, she spent every weekend and most nights with her BarBri books. Then she moved to DC for work. But they persevered, through tough corporate jobs and multiple relocations.
Last March he asked her to marry him. This summer they decided to settle down in Portland come the fall. Before leaving Europe, they thought, wouldn't it be nice to commemorate their fortunate love?
Enter stage left, the train bridge next to the cathedral in Cologne.
The rest of the story, in pictures, after the jump.
A major shout-out to our amazing photographer and friend, KT - you can even see Jeff's key mid-arc in that last one.
(As for the story of how he first picked her up in the bar, you'll have to ask Jeff. He tells it with relish.)
D'awwww, cute pix. Can't wait to get the scoop on the pickup story from Jeff!